Job Applications

Applying to jobs can be complicated. Get helpful tips for filling out job applications with these articles in iHire's Job Seeker Resource Center.

happy healthcare professional working on her computer

Learn how to stand out when applying for a job in healthcare, including good skills for healthcare resumes and job...


Laptop, phone, coffee cup, and calendar sitting on a desk

There’s a lot to keep track of when looking for a new job, and it can get overwhelming without the right job search...


medical professional holding up their hand in a stop gesture

There are plenty of good jobs in healthcare, but it’s important to look out for healthcare job red flags during your...


job seeker about to call a prospective employer

Do you know how to follow up on a job application by phone without being awkward or annoying? Check out our job...


frustrated job seeker looking at her laptop after not getting the job

Job rejection hurts, but it doesn’t have to derail your job search. Do these five things after being rejected for a...


person thinking while working on their laptop

Follow these tips for applying when you're overqualified for the job, including how to adjust your resume and...


hiring manager looking at an applicant's list of job references

How should a job references page look? Learn how to create a list of job references or download a job references...


Closeup view of employment form showing field for social security number

Many job seekers ask, “Should I give my social security number on a job application?” Find out how to deal with a...


Career Newsroom: Top Hiring Concerns

Unqualified candidates, job ghosting, and a shortage of applicants are the top concerns for employers. Here’s how to...


Applying for a job you're underqualified for

Not sure if you should apply to a job you're underqualified for? Discover the pros and cons of doing so, and learn...


ask a career advisor should you respond to a job rejection email?

Unsure how to respond to a job rejection email? Get expert advice from iHire’s Certified Career Coach on whether you...


Guide to Following up via Email or Letter

Following up after a job application can increase your chance of landing a job interview. Use this follow-up letter...


Ask a Career Advisor: Is Rage Applying to Jobs a Good Idea?

What is rage applying for a job, and is it a smart career move? iHire Career Advisor Lori Cole weighs in on this job...


Find Your Niche: How to Come Out Ahead from a Layoff

Layoffs made headlines in early 2023. Host Lori Cole discusses how to handle a layoff on Find Your Niche: A Career...


Woman holding reminder sticky note that says "Follow Up"

When you apply to jobs online, it can often feel as though your application disappeared into some digital no-man’s...


applicant tracking system

Applicant tracking systems are software programs used by human resources personnel to increase the efficiency of the...


illustration of ATS

You’ve heard you need an ATS-friendly resume, but how do applicant tracking systems work exactly? Follow these tips...


Closeup of woman sitting in front of a laptop

Responding graciously to a job rejection can turn disappointment into opportunity. Learn how to respond to a job...


Handshake over resume

A great place to find a new job is at your current company. Learn how to succeed when applying for an internal position.


Job application torn up

Can you apply to the same company after being rejected? Absolutely. Follow these tips to make sure you land a job at...


Showing 1 to 20 of 30 results